Vault integration

First goal

Store credential in a dedicated micro-service.
An open source project is targeted to store in a safe mode all credentials to services named Vault

Technical description

Each credential will be stored in Key/Value mode.
The Key will identify the access, and the Value will contains all necessary informations to configure the access.
The json requires to store typed data. For that a definition model will support:

FTP Model

Key Type Optional Default
type string false ftp
hostname string false  
hostname integer true 21
secure boolean true false
username string true null
password string true null

Example of a configuration:

	"type": "ftp",
	"hostname": "",
	"username": "username",
	"password": "password"

S3 Model

Key Type Optional Default
type string false s3
hostname string true null
access_key_id string false null
secret_access_key string false null
region string true us-east-1

Example of a configuration:

	"type": "s3",
	"access_key_id": "ACCESS_KEY",
	"secret_access_key": "SECRET"

HTTP Model

Key Type Optional Default
type string false http
endpoint string false null
method enum (GET, PUT, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS) true GET
headers string as a json map of string/string true {}
body string true ` `

Example of a configuration:

	"type": "http",
	"access_key_id": "",
	"method": "POST",
	"headers": "{\"Content-Type\": \"application/json\"}",
	"body": "{}"

Generic Model

Key Type Optional Default
type string false generic

Any couple of Key/Value can be added.
Value is a nullable string.

Example of a configuration:

	"type": "generic",
	"custom_key": "Custom Value"


An API into Step Flow will be exposed to manage stored credentials in Vault service, it will be based on the library libvault.
On MCAI Worker SDK the support of this features requires: